Anyone with an interest in birds, bird watching, bird feeding or Natural History in general is encouraged to become a member of the Chequamegon Bird Club. There is also an open invitation to guests and other non-members to attend the monthly meetings and participate in most other C.B.C. activities.
If you have questions about the C.B.C. you can contact:
Becoming a member of the Chequamegon Bird Club is as simple as contacting the club treasurer and paying the annual membership fee of $18.00 / individual, or $18.00 per family. Payment can be made either at the monthly meetings or through the mail.
Contact Sue Vick, C.B.C. treasurer, by E-mail - for details.
Membership entitles you to participate in all C.B.C. activities, elections, banquets, field trips, etc. Additionally you will receive the highly acclaimed monthly newsletter, "CHEQUAMEGON CHIRPS", that keeps members informed of upcoming events as well as other bird-related topics.