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CBC Constitution Articles

Article I - Name
The organization shall be known as the Chequamegon Bird Club, LTD.
Article II - Purpose
The purpose shall be to promote the study of birds, their habits, food and habitat requirements, to promote human appreciation of birds and other forms of the natural world, to contribute to general knowledge relating to the distribution of birds in Wisconsin and to promote the care and protection of birds in their natural environment.
Article III - Membership
Any person who is interested in the purposes and objectives of this club is eligible for membership. Membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Ordinarily a family membership will consist of two voting members. Exceptions can be made by vote of the Executive Committee upon application of a particular family.
Article IV - Meetings
Article V - Executive Committee
Article VI - Officers
Article VII - Nominating Committee
Article VIII - Amendments
The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting of the club, provided, however, that notice of such proposed amendments be mailed - physically or electronically - to each member of the club at his/her last known address at least fifteen (15) days before said meeting.
Article IX - Project Committees
The main goals of project committees are: to promote the study of birds, their habits, food and habitat requirements, to promote human appreciatiom of birds and other forms of the natural world, to contribute to general knowldge relating to the distribution of birds in Wisconsin and to promote the care and protection of birds in their natural environment.

Project proposals and funding requests shall be discussed at club meetings. At the time funding is requested, the proposals will be vetted by club members. If the proposal is time sensitive - unable to be discussed before the next club meeting - AND funds requested are less that $150.00, the Executive Committee can approve a request with a unanimous vote outside of a meeting. Otherwise a majority vote at a club meeting shall decide the fate of funding requests. A report shall be presented by a member of the project committee after completion of the project.
Article X - Dissolution of Assets
In the event of dissolution of this club, the assets may be transferred to any organization whose purposes are in harmony with the purpose of this club, by vote of the members.

Contact Us:

We welcome your questions and comments.
You can contact C.B.C. by e-mail at:

C.B.C. President - Scott Stalheim -
C.B.C. Vice President - Autumn Lahner -
C.B.C. Treasurer - Betty Danen -
C.B.C. Secretary - Mary Urban -
C.B.C. "Chirps" Editor - Jim Bragg -
General Information: