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CBC Meetings & Activities

Monthly Meetings and Other C.B.C. Activities

The Chequamegon Bird Club (C.B.C.) has at least one scheduled meeting each month. The normal meeting date is on the 3rd Monday of the month and the usual meeting place is in the Large Conference Room at the Frances L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map) in the city of Medford, Wisconsin.

Unless otherwise indicated, the monthly meetings begin at 7:00 pm and consist of two parts - the business meeting and the program segment.

During the business meeting, items related to the C.B.C. organization are discussed as well as "What's Around?", where members relate their observations of bird species and the activities they've noted since the last meeting.

During the program or entertainment segment members or guest speakers provide interesting discussions, slide shows and movies on a wide range of natural history subjects.

The meetings are FREE! Guests and prospective C.B.C. members are welcome to attend the monthly meetings.

C.B.C. Monthly Meetings (Normal meeting time is 7:00 PM unless indicated otherwise)
Date Program Location
January 15, 2024 Discussion and exploring the Birds Canada MarshWatch website found at Also discussion of Christmas Bird Count Results Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
February 19, 2024 Jennifer Chrudimky from Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop in Rib Mountain will present information on the huge loss of breeding birds and what we can do about it. Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
March 18, 2024 Cherl Paultz, Medford fine artist and photographer Come join her at Steeple Gallery in Dorchester, WI where she will share her love for nature and how its grace and beauty has inspired her. NOTE the meeting location change to Steeple Gallery in Dorchester (old brick church) 152 South Second Street.
April 15, 2024 Program - Sue Vick will talk about her recent birding trip to Costa Rica.(Canceled until June meeting) Also on the agenda - Election of Officers Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
May 6, 2024 World Migratory Bird Day Hamus Park, Marshfield - starting at 6PM
May 18, 2024 World Migratory Bird Day Perkinstown Winter Sports Area (see poster)
Location is 16 miles west of Medford on HWY 64 and 4 miles north on Road 119 (Winter Sports Road)
starting at 10AM
June 17, 2024 6:00 PM Bird Walk around Mill Pond (WEATHER PERMITTING); 7:00PM Program - Sue Vick will talk about her recent birding trip to Costa Rica. Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
July 15, 2024 6:00 PM Picnic at Medford School Forest - Picnic lunch with buns, barbecue and s’more provided. You can bring a dish to pass but that is voluntary. You will need to bring your own eating utensils, drinks and something to sit on. We will eat outside unless it is raining, but there are indoor facilities if necessary. Medford School Forest is on Hwy 64 about 8.5 miles east of the Hwy 13 stop lights in Medford. After eating and a brief meeting there will be a bird walk, again weather permitting.
August 17, 2024 (special date) Members Only - 2 PM In place of our "regular" meeting for August, we will have a "Shorebird Observation" opportunity for members only at Ken Luepke's place on Saturday August 17th. We will start at about 2 PM.
September 16, 2024 Presentation about the History of Bird Clubs, past to present. Some members may have material from our own Chequamegon Bird Club's past that they will share. These materials can be set out or passed around. We encourage longtime members to be prepared to reminisce about our past history. Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
October 21, 2024 Annual Banquet (see poster) Centennial Hall, Stetsonville
412 E Centennial Ave.
Stetsonville, WI
November 18, 2024 TBD Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.
December 16, 2024 Holiday Party - silent auction, trivia contest and seasonal treats Francis L. Simek Memorial Library (click for location map), Medford, Wisconsin.

C.B.C. Field Trips, Events and Special Activities

The Chequamegon Bird Club was organized after author and ornithologist, Sam Robbins, conducted classes on bird watching and identification. The group that met with him wanted to continue to meet and learn. For prospective members, it may be helpful to review some of the programs and activities we have enjoyed in the past.

Field trips have been taken to Horicon Marsh, Rex Ruesch farm, Taylor County Blue Heron rookery, Raptor Center at Antigo, Hawk Ridge, the Taylor County Historical Museum, and Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. Our picnics have been held at Timm's Hill, Cherokee Park, the Medford School Forest, Simek Library, and various member homes.

C.B.C. Field Trips and Special Events
Date Location Contact
May 17, 2024 Taylor County Youth Expo - Fairgrounds
Bird Club will once again have a booth and activities for 5th grade students from Taylor, Price, and other counties as part of a fun-filled outdoor day. Sponsored by Taylor County Sportsman's Club
May 18, 2024 World Migratory Bird Day Field Trips
Bird and insect walk. For more details of the day's events see World Migratory Bird Day Celebration.
June 1, 2024 Club birdwalk 8AM at McMillan Marsh
We are inviting non members to join us See Information Anybody wanting to carpool from Medford can meet at the Simek Library at 7 AM. Dress appropriately for the weather and be prepared for some damp areas along the trail.
June 10, 2024 Field Trip to Kevin and Jayne Paul Farm
The farm is several miles west of Highway 13 on W6235 Elm Road. We had a well attended bird walk there last July on a beautiful summer evening. We are hoping to find meadowlarks and bobolinks. The Paul's practices of intensive rotational grazing help these birds nesting success. If there is rain, an alternate date will be determined later.
June 17, 2024 Pre-meeting Bird Walk along the Medford Riverwalk
We will meet at Medford Mill Pond at 6:00 for a pre-meeting bird walk

Programs: We have benefited from viewing photographs taken by members and slides from the Wisconsin Ornithological Society. Movies and videos from our files and from the Medford Public Library have been shown. Members have produced and shared bird videos. Topics and speakers have included specialists on bird banding, raptors, four seasons in the north woods, Sandhill Crane counts, other bird counts, various wildlife areas, International Crane Foundation, the Leigh Yawkey Museum, bird breeding trends in national forests, evolution of birds, birds and birders as seen by cartoonists, ways of attracting birds, West Nile Virus, migratory game birds, bird identification, central Wisconsin grassland conservation, effects of global warming on birds, and bird eggs and incubation. Some theme sessions have included specific birds such as Baltimore Orioles, stories of favorite birds, "Books on Your Bookshelf", and "Nature's Lunch Box" a potluck of foods found in the wild for birds and people. Non-bird topics have included bear tagging, wolves, bats, invasive species, butterfly gardening, DNR budget cuts, and the Ice Age Trail.

How-to sessions included making suet balls and birdhouse and feeder construction. Nature photographers have shared their expertise in how to photograph birds. Wood carvers have displayed their work.

Other activities have included hosting the World Migratory Bird Day events at Perkinstown Winter Sports Area, working with 5th grade students at the Taylor County Youth Expo, sales at the Farmers' Market, and displays at a Land Stewardship Conference. We have raised funds to send a youth leader to a session at the Trees for Tomorrow camp.

Ours has been an active, vibrant group and new members, regardless of birding skills, are welcome to join!

Ongoing Activities:
World Migratory Bird Day Celebration
Taylor County Youth Expo Booth The Expo is attended by about 350 students from Taylor and Price Counties. The students sample various outdoor activities sponsored by clubs and agencies from the Medford area.
Breeding Bird Surveys
Christmas Bird Counts